Resolving Custom Tools share issues

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The CustomTools$ share is missing on the management server(s) or you receive the following error when attempting to execute a Custom Tool:

Error: Access to the path '\\<server name>\CustomTools$\<guid>\<script name>' is denied.


System Frontier copies Custom Tool scripts or executable files to a share on the management server and references that path during execution. If the share is missing or the permissions are incorrect, tool execution fails.


  1. Create a Windows share call CustomTools$ to the following path, if it doesn’t already exist: C:\ProgramData\Noxigen\CustomTools.
  2. Grant Modify permissions (NTFS and Share) to the share, for the domain service account that was used for the System Frontier IIS application pool.


The security of this share and the server it resides on, as with all aspects of the System Frontier infrastructure, should be highly guarded and limited to a select few IT administrators.

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